Congratulations Your new mod should now work with any worlds you already have and any new ones you create.

Enabe the Mod Now click the checkbox next to any of the mods you want to enable. Whenever I had the urge to play I always installed the Fudge Pack for that reason and it works better with mods including the coops. Open the In Game Mods Screen Launch Dont Starve and click on the mods button on the right hand side of the screen. Personally I kept the Steam version but not really played it after completed Paradise Lost. Paradise Lost is not compatible with Fudge Pack but Eternal Damnation is included by default there which however had problems with the Steam version. Weapons like the katana was also added to all days and can be found somewhere.
The simplest way to download and install mods is to subscribe to them in Finally go to the Steam Library, Right-Click on the game and choose properties. All weapons and features from Apocalypse Weekend appear in the base game. Sadly not all the mods go through steam, I had to download a Mount & Blade Warband mod yesterday because the steam workshop didn't have any of the mods I wanted. The physical boundle called Fudge Pack however comes with the mod A Week in Paradise. Then lunch the game and from the window that comes up, click the drop down menu and change native too Prophesy of pendor. The effects were updated as well to improve the quality. Go into your Mount and Blade Warband folder, then into the Modules folder, and place the Prophesy of Pendor folder in there. Postal 2 on Steam (but I guess this is the same on GOG as well) comes with the base game and the expansion bound together and while playable separatelly it work simply by loading Apocalypse Weekend right after you finish the last day in the base game and that is all.

Dynamic party encounters: Party positions and destinations are tracked from the worldmap.Stixsmaster: you know that the latest gog version of Postal 2 does by default come with A Week in Paradise correct? Actually it is just a game mode called A Week in Paradise and not the mod with the same name.Then, you can participate in village raids and siege attacks on your enemies! Join a faction by talking to any king or vassal.I did this and the modules are not appearing in the launcher. You can use this to check the position of known locations, and also to see the path you've taken. How do I install and play mods for M+B warband I looked it up online, and it said to copy and paste the zipped mod folder into the modules folder in M+B game files. In-game worldmap: Press M to bring up a simple map overlay.You will even see smoke/fire if the place is under attack/looted! Distant parties: Castles, Towns, and Villages can be seen on the map as well.Watch distant mountains grow with your approach, use the land to navigate! Worldmap terrain borders: To help find your way around, the entire worldmap is visible, with correct position tracking for the player.As a player, you can also hunt down and kill enemy lords and named captains! So, if one of your companions kills eg King Harlaus, he will be dead permanently. Key changes are : A much more active world, with dozens of new parties and factions fighting each other on the map. NPC permadeath: Names NPCs can also be killed by other named NPCs. Welcome to A New Dawn The goal of this mod is to considerably improve the Native game, through the use of Floris Mod Pack as a base, which is already a great improvement.If a companion is killed while you are controlling them, they will die permanently. Player revive: If the player is killed, you will respawn as one of your companions and must retrieve the banner from your corpse.Named companions: Every NPC you recruit becomes a companion with their own name, stats, inventory.New shaders and weather effects: Moving clouds, variable wind, fog, and rain dynamically changing weather.To help you get around, you are also given a map, a compass, and even the ability to fly. To get around, just walk up to the edge of the map: Here is the Alpha version of Explorer! This mod completely overhauls the game - some things have been reintroduced from Native, but many systems were built entirely from scratch.